Others choose the lifestyle for the added health benefits that come along with cutting out all of the "bad stuff" from one's diet by choosing not to eat meat, some for religious reasons and some people simply do not enjoy the taste of animal flesh. There is no wrong reason for choosing a lifestyle that one is comfortable with and no one should be criticized or ridiculed for how they decide to live.
Vegetarianism is not new, and it is not a trend that will go out of style. Non-meat eaters themselves are probably unaware that the compassion craze actually dates back all the way to ancient Indian and Greek civilizations. "Pythagorus, born 580 BC, is given the credit as being the Father of Vegetarianism. Since the word vegetarian was not used until the late 19th century, vegetarians were previously known as Pythagoreans" (Vegetarian History Bytes). Pythagorus also had an influence on other philosophers such as Socrates and Plato who also decided upon the virtues of the meatless lifestyle. Another notable vegetarian was the painter, sculptor and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). "Da Vinci believed that using animals for clothing and food was brutal and showed a lack of mercy. Da Vinci also rejected the idea of using any animal products for food or clothing." (Everything you need to know about being a vegetarian, pg.13) The playwright and great artist George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) is credited with the vegetarian movement that exists today. He turned away from meat when he was in his early twenties and stayed that way until he died at the ripe old age of ninety-four. In Western society in the 1960's, vegetarianism became popular. With the people's desire for the Vietnam War to end, the call for people to care for the environment and the world around us began. Health food stores and vegetarian restaurants began to pop up in some cities and college towns, as did communes, which developed in remote areas of the nation where idealistic youths could set up alternative communities; in other words, their own paradise.