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Family and Religious Values


They suggest some of the following protective factors that the family and parents can have, or can be a possible new approach to preventing problems later on down the road: .
             Family Factors include: Parental Supervision, Child's Attachment to Parent, Parent's Attachment to Child, Parent's Involvement in Child's Activities.
             Educational Factors: Reading Percentile, Mathematics Percentile, Commitment to School, Attachment to Teachers, Aspirations to Go to College, Expectations to Go to College, Parent's Expectation for Child to Go to College.
             Parent's Values About College; Peer Factors: Peers Have Conventional Values, Parent's Positive Evaluation of Peers.
             Other Resources: Child's Self Esteem, Child's Involvement in Religious Activities, Child's Involvement in Prosocial Activities, Child Is Close to an Adult Outside the Family.
             The Columbia University's website on Teenager and Drugs (1998), points out that Teenagers are primarily influenced by their parents and their peers. The usage of cigarette, hard liquor, Marijuana, and illicit drugs, can be curbed and are often the patterns, learned from the parents, or are the result of poor relationships with parents. To reduce the chances of children making the wrong choices parents should: .
             Provide information that is accurate about drugs and alcohol before the child reaches their teenage years. Parents should also present the information with the same care that they would about the information on sexuality or religion when presented. Avoid lectures or scare tactics. .
             Do not abuse alcohol or other drugs; the parent using drugs forms a model for children's values and behavior. .
             Keep all lines of communication open; teenagers who cannot talk to their parents may separate themselves with drugs or alcohol. .
             Give a child a sense of themselves as valuable individuals, capable of making the right choices. Responsibility, self-esteem, and good judgment are better tools for coping with adolescence and it also stresses the point better than overprotective parents.

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