However, there is predetermined pressure, the exciting dream of a wild party is at least as much a part of the students life as the controlled academic exercise of the classroom. Sometimes the controls that the college has on the student's behavior breaks, and something explodes. Most of the time, these kids fall through the cracks of other people's responsibilities, especially the college administration, the fraternity's, the friends, but most of all perhaps the family. These kids that die because of the drinking and the using of drugs, are not looked at as being murdered, they are looked at being ignored to death. (Herper, 1999).
According to Hitt (1999), there is a way out of the problems that we have with kids and authority. However, he says that it is not going to be easy. It will require some large cultural changes that will make us see the irony, even cruelty, of infantilizing certain young adults. He believes the very people who have urged the situation into existence is too often the people who gripe about the increasing lack of responsibility in our society. All forms of behaviors, such as table manners or sexual behaviors are socialized phenomenon and if not taught, yield up a kind of wild child. By denying the obvious pleasures that these kids perceive them to be with out teaching it by example and telling them why, is it anyone's surprise that we have set loose upon the world a generation of undomesticated young people. .
Many scholars believe that the protective factors can safeguard high-risk youths from problems ranging from drug use to alcohol use, as well as their behavior when not at home. An collection of these protective factors or lessons in different periods of a young person's life can strongly predict refusal to go along with delinquency. (Smith, Lizotte, Thornberry & Krohn, 1995) Smith, Lizotte, Thorn & Krohn (1995) as well states that not all children are exposed to these known protective factors and when exposed to the risk factors they do not have the knowledge to deal with the decisions that need to be made.