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Legality Of Abortion


             of an unwanted pregnancy. To do so would be discrimination. But, there are still other people who believe that .
             abortion should be illegal. Some people say that abortion should not be legal because it is murder. Some people .
             interpret the fourteenth amendment differently. They believe that the life and liberty is being denied from the fetus. .
             Although the law has set boundaries on when a fetus should be considered a citizen, there are people who .
             believe that life starts before birth no matter what the law states. I am sure these people wonder why the fetus .
             doesn't have rights as well as the mother. Abortion author Faye Ginsberg states that, never in the history of the .
             United States has the state granted one citizen the right to have another killed to solve one's problems (156 .
             Ginsberg). But, people who consider a fetus to be a life must also believe that Constitutional rights are being .
             denied from the fetus. Abortion, to people who that believe a fetus is a citizen, seems as though a human life is .
             being terminated because someone else justifies the cause with reasons of their own. How can the legality of .
             abortion ever be determined if one cannot determine whether or not a fetus is considered a human being? Since .
             every person has individual beliefs and thoughts on the livelihood of the fetus, the legality of abortion must be .
             determined on the circumstances of the pregnancy as well one's belief to what a fetus really is. In order to .
             intelligently formulate a stance on abortion, one must come to conclusions and formulate answers on some .
             aspects of abortion. Is a fetus a human being? Yes, a fetus is indeed a human being livening in the womb of its .
             mother. Upon conception, the fetus is uniquely distinct and different than any other human being (200 .
             Steinbock). The fetus is like a snowflake; there are no two alike. Very shortly after conception the fetus takes on .
             very human characteristics. The fetus thinks, moves, dreams, and feels pain just like you and I.

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