an abortion in the third trimester are at a greater risk of becoming sterile than women who bear their child (157 .
Steinbock). Women realize these consequences, but they still believe that an abortion's advantages outweigh its .
disadvantages. These women may face years of depression, guilt, and physical damage, but they still freely .
choose to abort their pregnancy. Should abortion be legal? According to the Supreme Court's ruling in 1973 on .
the Roe v. Wade case, abortion must be legal (82 Tribe). If the fetus is considered an appendage to the woman .
who bears it, the fourteenth amendment must hold true for women. Thus, women are given the right to receive an .
abortion (82 Tribe). The amendment states that, "No person or state may deprive a person of life, liberty, or .
property, without due process of the law" (475 US Constitution). This states that the woman cannot be denied .
an abortion because it would violate her life and property. The state cannot interfere with the private lives of US .
citizens (475 US Constitution). Denying women the right to choose an abortion, is denying rights and is .
discriminating against women. There are many reasons for which women desire to have an abortion. .
Contraceptives sometimes fail. Women are periodically raped and impregnated by corrupt and deranged men. .
Demented fathers may also rape their daughters which is called incest. For these reasons alone abortion must be .
legal. These unfair and undesirable pregnancies can prevent women from keeping jobs, feeding their families, and .
from creating a favorable life-style for themselves. Pregnancy and child birth may determine and greatly influence .
whether or not a woman can begin or finish her education leading to a successful and gratifying career. In .
conclusion, abortion must be legal because women should not have to sacrifice their lives at the hand of a failed .
contraceptive or a terrible rape. Women should not be forced to submit themselves to a life of hardships because .