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We will look briefly at the following content theories: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Theory Hertzberg's Two Factor Theory and ERG theory -- Existence, Relatedness, and Growth, Douglas McGregor -Theory X and Theory Y , Elton Mayo Hawthorne experiment, Chris Argyris - Increasing Interpersonal Competence , Rensis Likert - Management Systems and Styles and David C. McClelland: Achievement Motivation. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970) developed a theory of motivation based on a hierarchy of needs. This is probably the most popular theory of management although the theory does have its critics. Maslow suggested that there are five sets of goals which may be called basic needs. self-actualization esteem, and love, safety, physiological, These are: or self-fulfillment. He arranged these into a series of different levels or the order of importance of these basic needs. Man's basic needs are physiological, for example, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc. When these are satisfied they are replaced by safety needs reflecting his desire for protection against danger or deprivation. These in turn, when satisfied, are replaced by the need for love or belonging to, which are functions of man's gregariousness and his desire to belong to a group, to give and receive friendship and to associate happily with people. When these needs have been satisfied, there is the esteem needs, i.e. the desire for self-esteem and self-respect, which are affected by a person's standing reputation, and his need for recognition and appreciation. Finally, individuals have a need for self actualization or a desire for self-fulfillment, which is an urge by individuals for self-development, creativity and job satisfaction. The human hierarchy of needs proposed by Maslow are shown inFig 1. below. Fig 1.- Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. In the past, management reward systems have attempted to satisfy an individual's lower level needs for safety and physiological security, for protection against deprivation and the threat to a worker or his family.

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