2. A. The strategic plan is the blueprint for the entire organization. This plan is where individual departmental plans are derived from. The strategic plan includes all of the activities that lead to the development of the four components of the plan, which are the mission, objectives, strategies, and portfolio plan. .
The organizational mission is where the organization defines its goals and reasons for.
existence. How the organization is going to accomplish the goals is also defined here.
The organizational objectives are what the organization seeks. These objectives are the .
end points of the organization's mission. They are required in all areas that will affect .
the performance and survival of the organization.
The organization strategies are the design of the plan. This is where the organization .
states how it will go about completing and carrying out its mission and objectives. There.
are various different strategies that can be used, but by defining each point of the strategic.
plan the organization should be able to derive the best possible plan to be carried through .
out. .
The organization portfolio plan is the final phase of the strategic plan. It includes all.
Product lines, divisions and schools included within the organization. Each division's.
product lines must be identified. These divisions are then referred to as strategic.
business units. .
3. Situation Analysis is where the marketing manager analyzes and monitors the position of the firm and marketing department in the terms of its past, present, and future situations. The situation analysis can be divided into six categories:.
Cooperative Environment: includes all firms and individuals who have a vested interest in the firm accomplishing its objectives. Suppliers, resellers, departments in the firm. sub departments and employees of the marketing department are all of primary interest to the marketing executive in this environment.