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International Terrorism And Situation Over Iraq


He issued an ultimatum to the repressive Taliban regime in Afghanistan, which has provided sanctuary in the southern region for Osama bin Laden and his training camps: Hand over the terrorists or "share in their fate-.
             First marches.
             According to some American newspapers, "Congress, meanwhile, unanimously approved $40 billion in emergency funds to conduct recovery efforts and prepare for military action-*. Lawmakers also passed (with one dissenting vote) a resolution authorizing the President, in light of the current national security threat, to "use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist or harbored such organizations or persons-**. Responding to the concerns of some members, the final language ensures that nothing in the measure supersedes the War Power Resolution, which requires Congress to authorize the use of U. S. forces or declare war within 60 days before an overseas deployment can be sustained.
             Congress has had a full plate of other terrorism-related legislation to consider; including an airlines bailout package, increased funds and intelligence gathering tools for the CIA and FBI, an economic stimulus package, cyberterrorism prevention, and aid to the insurance industry in coping with damage claims. At the top of the agenda is the Administration's antiterrorism law enforcement proposal, which has raised concerns about civil and privacy protections.
             With the Taliban leaders rejecting demands for cooperation, the United States began airstrikes at terrorist training camps and military targets in Afghanistan on October 7. The strikes accompanied by humanitarian food drops, were to be followed by ground operations in what is expected to be a long fight against a ruthless, elusive enemy.

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