After the 11th of September Americans had a support of World Community, because that act of terrorism was considered as a war call to the whole world. Mr. Bush was supported by Great Britain, France, Germany, Holland; Russian government prepared a work of changing experience with American militaries, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, which have a common boundaries with Afghanistan, allowed to use their military airports as bases to the U. S. Air Forces. And after this application the military force of the U. S. and Northern Coalition entered Afghanistan and after four months of war the capital Kabul gave up and temporary government was created. Khamid Karzay was the informal of the head of the government. But after the first democratic elections which passed in Afghanistan at the 14th of October, 2002 he has become the formal leader. .
*- Congressional Digest. November 2001.
**- Washington Post. 17th of November 2001.
The case for war.
Its founders called on America to show a descent respect for the opinions of the mankind. And so, by and large, it does. But in the case of the looming American war against Iraq, another wise saw needs to be borne in mind. This one can be found pinned in many a corner shop. It advises customers against asking for credit, because "a refusal often offends-.
In much of the world, and even among some Americans, indignation is growing at George Bush's slow but remorseless preparations to remove Saddam Hussein by military force. No step the complainers say, could be better calculated to offend a billion of Muslims and confirm fears that after September 11th, the over-mighty superpower feels entitled to trample wantonly on an enemy, imagined or real. At the least, it is argued, America should abide by the rules. If Mr. Bush is planning military action against Iraq, He should first ask the UN Security Council for permission. As it is said in the French week newspaper, Match de Paris "most of the countries don't want to begin the military action, Germany, France, Kuwait and especially Russia, which is represented in UN with special authorities and right of vote-.