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Cultural Diferences


Managers will have more Hispanic employees under their supervision, and they should pay close attention in these demographic changes to continue competent in their jobs. .
             Hispanic and American cultures diverge in many aspects. Cross-cultural research has established that national culture explains between 25 and 50 percent of variation in attitudes and is also related to social behaviors such as aggression, conflict resolution, social distance, helping, dominance, conformity, and obedience, as well as decision-making and leadership behaviors (Triandis, 1994). The two key cultural values that are the most likely to influence cultural differences are power distance and individualism. Power distance is the degree to which members of a culture accept and expect that power in society is unequally distributed (Hofstede, 1980). Cultures low in power distance (American culture) minimize inequalities, favor less autocratic leadership, and favor less centralization of authority. Cultures high in power distance (Hispanic Culture) are characterized by a greater acceptance of inequalities and preference for authoritarianism. Power distance is likely to influence people's expectations about roles in organizations. Organizations operating in large power distance cultures tolerate social separation between superiors and subordinates because organizations in these cultures manifest rules and substantial bureaucratic structures to guide behavior (Hedlund, 1980; Hofstede, 1980; Laurent, 1983). Therefore, employees operating in a large power distance culture are expected to follow the rules of the organization or societal norms. Hispanic employees tend to give more direction and need a higher level of information than their non-Hispanic coworkers. Hispanics employees tend to appreciate and rely on a much higher level of personal interaction in the workplace. .
             A second important element to study cultural differences is the value of individualism, defined as the degree of social connectedness among individuals (Hofstede, 1980; Earley and Gibson, 1998).

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