The brochure was very plan it was, red, white or black. It did not contain one picture and did not appeal to me at all. In my opinion this is an example of a bad brochure. It has heaps of information about accommodation and airfares. But it is all information and not one single picture, which I thought was very poor. It told about the accommodation and airfares but nothing about what I could do in Queensland. I found it hard to read as the font was small and I also found it difficult to follow. I think the target group of this brochure would have to be someone stupid, as they would be choosing their accommodation without even seeing what it looked like.
The next brochure that I examined was a brochure on Peru. The front page shows the culture of the country with a picture on some ruins of the Inca temples. It the background it shows the mountains of Peru. In the inside on the front cover it shows a map on South American and outlines Peru, and has pictures of tourist attractions around Peru. It has planed tours that last for 14 and 20 days. It describes specialised tours and tells about the pink dolphin of the amazon. It has two pages of things to know before you go. It has picture, which reflex the culture of the people of Peru. The only way to travel to Peru from Australia is to catch a plane. I found this brochure easy to fellow, as it was a mix of good information and pictures. The marketing techniques used in this brochure I believe are good as it tell the information you need to know about Peru and its people. The target group of this brochure I believe is for young people between twenty and thirty.
The last brochure I examined was on Vanuatu it was a brochure that was full of colour. It showed the cultural aspect of the people of Vanuatu and the beautiful surroundings that they live in. the brochure has a page of maps so the reader knows exactly were Vanuatu is. The reach the destination you will need to travel by plane.