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Better Education


Using this as an example of possible effectiveness in the school voucher system, many advocates use the Milwaukee system as a means of support, however, there are many opposing arguments to the proposed system as well. In a poll conducted by CNN/USA Today/Gallup, school vouchers are seen as a less effective measure to improve schools as compared to higher teacher pay and increased federal aid to local school districts (Holland). According to Keating Holland of CNN, "Vouchers are also seen as less likely to improve schools than standardized tests - another favorite Bush proposal during the campaign." Though many people seek an innovative way of improving our school systems, numerous arguments for and against the issue create tension amongst what is best for the future of our education system. .
             Tension mounts as it has become increasingly apparent to the American public that our current public school systems are not meeting the standards to which many Americans would like it to achieve. Over the years, standardized test scores have decreased while many students continue to take remedial classes and excessive high school drop out rates increase. Though Americans realize the need to reform the current systems, school vouchers has emerged as the only plausible solution Americans have recently taken into consideration. Those in support of, as well as those in opposition to, the school voucher system both highlight several fundamental areas of debate. In order to reform America's public school systems, whether through the implementation of school voucher systems or otherwise, several factors must be weighed and considered: the capability to offer an equal opportunity to families of all income levels, the capacity to introduce competition and thereby improve education standards holding educators accountable, as well as presenting the factor of choice in schooling systems.

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