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Jacques Chirac: French Preside


            "The United Nations is our one great hope for a peaceful and free world," said Ralph Bunche. Jacques Chirac would strongly support that idea of the United Nations. As president of France, Chirac has a large responsibility. He has many political duties that he must carry out, and the country counts on him to do a good job. Throughout his years as president, he has made many important political decisions, some of these decisions; have made him lose popularity while others have made him quite popular. As a leader of France, he does what is needed for his country even when he doesn't always have the full support of all the people. Some of these decisions that he must make involve international relations with the United States. These relations are very active through visits and more.
             In Paris, France on November 29, 1932 Jacques Chirac was born. He was the only child of a one-time cavalry officer. In 1968, Chirac attended the Institute for Political Studies at Harvard University where he was a strong worker. In 1974 he became prime minister only to lose it in a power struggle. In 1976 he formed the conservative Rally of the Republic movement, and later became the mayor of Paris. In 1995 Chirac was awarded the title of the President of France. . Jacques Chirac has been transformed into one of the most powerful presidents in recent French history. He was elected as president because of his promises of tax cuts and job programs. (Reference abcNews.com) During his presidential term the term changed from five to seven years. Chirac was also reelected in 2002 to serve another seven year term. (U.S. Department of State) .
             France is the largest western European country with an area of 551,670 square km. This makes France's population the second-largest in the European Union, behind Germany. On January 1, 2001, just over one out of every four people was under 20 and nearly 16% were aged 65 or older.

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