If the family member of any family is killed, the family would obviously want to see the criminal executed. Secondly, death penalty is the most cost effective form of justice. Is it better to just convict a murder criminal to death rather than keeping him/her in jail for more than 14 years and wasting the precious resources of the state and the public? Then, during the criminals' imprisonment they may always keep on sending requests for re-trials and if these are accepted then just imagine the amount it would cost for all the trials and everything. Further more, most importantly death penalty acts as the perfect deterrent. The terror created in the minds of other citizens by seeing a person being executed is immense. This prevents any other citizen from committing a crime. .
The logic behind abolishing death penalty can never be clear. We as human beings need to imagine ourselves in the positions of those who are victims to murder crimes. If any member from our families were to be murdered, would we not demand complete justice? The drawback with the modern societies is that people usually do not understand the depth of an issue until and unless they do not come face to face with the issue themselves. The same applies for the issue of death penalty also. People very easily talk about abolishing death penalty but when they are the victims of a crime the only thing they want is revenge in the form of death penalty .
Why No to Death Penalty?.
There is one very evident similarity between the death penalty law and a criminal guilty of murder, they both take the life of another human and try to take the position of God. Only God has the right to take a human life. Death penalty actually does not prove any less cruel than a criminal. It is an inhumane, ineffective and completely horrifying act. Death penalty is the modern day form of barbarism wherein a legally established group of people just kill a person for a crime.