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death penalty


All these methods followed neither the ethical or religious rules as any religion or ethnic group does not teach any human to take life of another human. Obviously these were the barbaric civilizations that did not understand the importance and value of human life and thus resorted to such horrifying acts. In the modern society death penalty is being carried out at a very consistent rate. The Supreme Court of the USA has declared in 1972, under existing laws that "the imposition and carrying of death penalty constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the eighth and fourteenth amendments." (Furman v. Georgia). In 1977, the execution of criminals started all over again and by the end of 1990 almost one hundred and eighty criminals have been sentenced to death. Despite the stubborn nature of the government, several associations and institutions have continued to work towards the abolishment of death penalty. One such association is ACLU, which has always continued to vote against death penalty both in real life and constitutional grounds. But they have also made it very clear to everyone around the world that talking against the death penalty does not prove any sort of sympathy for the criminals. It's just that murder is showed as a relentless act for human life and for this reason killing is unfair and therefore it becomes immoral for the state to authorize killing as a policy.
             Why Yes to Death Penalty?.
             Capital punishment, as some believe is the most effective form of law enforcement. Death penalty has many advantages which prove it to be better than any other form of punishments. Firstly, death penalty gives the victims of crime the right kind of justice as they would expect from their governments. When a normal citizen falls victim to any major crime he/she expects that the government and the justice system will provide him/her with the proper and the most equal justice.

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