The restriction.
enzymes cut the DNA strand at a particular location called a nucleotide base, which makes up a.
DNA molecule. Now that the desired portion of the DNA is cut out, it can be joined to another.
strand of DNA by using enzymes called ligases. The final important step in the creation of a.
new DNA strand is giving it the ability to self-replicate. This can be accomplished by using.
special pieces of DNA, called vectors, that permit the generation of multiple copies of a total.
DNA strand and fusing it to the newly created DNA structure. Another newly developed.
method, called polymerase chain reaction, allows for faster replication of DNA strands and does.
not require the use of vectors (Clarke 1).
The possibilities of genetic engineering are endless. Once the power to control the.
instructions, given to a single cell, are mastered anything can be accomplished. For example,.
insulin can be created and grown in large quantities by using an inexpensive gene manipulation.
method of growing a certain bacteria. This supply of insulin is also not dependant on the supply.
of pancreatic tissue from animals. Recombinant factor VIII, the blood clotting agent missing in.
people suffering from hemophilia, can also be created by genetic engineering. Virtually all.
people who were treated with factor VIII before 1985 acquired HIV, and later AIDS. Being.
completely pure, the bioengineered version of factor VIII eliminates any possibility of viral.
infection. Other uses of genetic engineering include creating disease resistant crops, formulating.
milk from cows already containing pharmaceutical compounds, generating vaccines, and.
altering livestock traits (Clarke 1). In the not so distant future, genetic engineering will become.
a principal player in fighting genetic, bacterial, and viral disease, along with controlling aging,.
and providing replaceable parts for humans.
Medicine has seen many new innovations in its history.