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For instance, in.
             regards to eye color, a child could receive one set of genes from his father that were encoded one.
             blue, and the other brown. The same child could also receive two brown genes from his mother. .
             The conclusion for this inheritance would be the child has a three in four chance of having.
             brown eyes, and a one in three chance of having blue eyes (Stableford 16).
             Genes are transmitted through chromosomes which reside in the nucleus of every living.
             organism's cells. Each chromosome is made up of fine strands of deoxyribonucleic acids, or.
             DNA. The information carried on the DNA determines the cells function within the organism. .
             Sex cells are the only cells that contain a complete DNA map of the organism, therefore, "the.
             structure of a DNA molecule or combination of DNA molecules determines the shape, form, and.
             function of the [organism's] offspring " (Lewin 1). DNA discovery is attributed to the research.
             of three scientists, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and James Dewey Watson in 1951. They.
             were all later accredited with the Nobel Price in physiology and medicine in 1962 (Lewin 1).
             "The new science of genetic engineering aims to take a dramatic short cut in the slow.
             process of evolution" (Stableford 25). In essence, scientists aim to remove one gene from an.
             organism's DNA, and place it into the DNA of another organism. This would create a new DNA.
             strand, full of new encoded instructions; a strand that would have taken Mother Nature millions.
             of years of natural selection to develop. Isolating and removing a desired gene from a DNA.
             strand involves many different tools. DNA can be broken up by exposing it to ultra-high-frequency .
             sound waves, but this is an extremely inaccurate way of isolating a desirable DNA section .
             (Stableford 26). A more accurate way of DNA splicing is the use of "restriction.
             enzymes, which are produced by various species of bacteria" (Clarke 1).

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