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The year 1000


These communities were usually built around farmland, and it is possible that they may have been constructed in a circular pattern. This was to provide protection for live stocks, against wolves or other marauders. These village communities provided a steady backdrop for life. By the first millennium, almost every modern English village existed. The village's name could tell whether the village was of Anglo-Saxon, or of the Danes. There was no doubt that the Saxons and the Danes had their disputes. There were places that the two could mingle. But when the Vikings came along, the names were changed. Also, Christian missionaries came along during this time.
             Feasting was important during this time of the year, especially in the month of April. Meat was the principal ingredient of the Anglo-Saxon Feast. Feasting was the churches way of harnessing hunger, and the feast was appreciated by people who had encountered the reality of famine. The possibility of famine haunted one's imagination at this time, and famine even caused people to commit suicide. People also knew the reality of savaging for food. Cannibalism was a ghostly folk memory for those living in the year 1000. .
             April was a very religious month, due to Easter. Many believed that during the month of April, one should refrain from using nails or iron tools on Good Friday. This was for the remembrance of the iron that pierced Christ's hands. The following day, worshipers would go to church for a Sombre Saturday ritual of vigil that followed. Then in celebrations of Easter, the Eucharist would take on a special feast. Lent made a virtue of necessity. Fasting elevated material concerns to higher plains. Fasting was believed to be a way of personal purification to get God on one's side.
             The food in this time may have been scarce, but they didn't eat much different than we do today. Meat was the principal ingredient of the Anglo-Saxon feast.

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