Vincent's day. The process was routine, and had a very heaving meaning. The growth energies of the plant directed the channels desired by the cultivator. .
Also, during this time, people have left legal documents. Many people left wills now, and historians know more about material possessions rather than spiritual and personal lives. One known legal document was left from a noble woman named Aelfflaed, she left estates in Essex and East Anglia. Aelfflaed's will also tell us that women may supervise while giving orders in a male dominated society. Another known will was left from Wulfgeat of Donnington. He left estates to his wife and daughter. Wulfgeat also didn't see anything wrong with letting women run things on his farm. It seems as though women with strong character were able to become powerful and claim authority in England during this time. It is also known that the people are uneasy of letting go of their slaves. But many could and would do their own work, these people were very skillful with their hands. They could make and mend. They were also very good at entertaining themselves, they were not literate, so they had to entertain themselves in other ways. Mostly, they learned how to make and mend, and entertain themselves from observing and imitating the adults in their lives. For those who were literate, poetry and stories were beginning to be written down. .
March, the time when Winter ended and Spring began. It was common in this time of year to see men with a rake, pickaxes, or an apron full of seeds. The cultivator and his family were the backbone of the land. .
During the year 1000, the world was much more empty. There was much more room to stretch out and breathe. It is said that there was one person to every forty or fifty today. People usually lived in small communities. The Englishman's homes were made of a wooden structure, and the roofs were of straw and reeds.