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Dahmer-serial killers


             Perhaps the power and control type is one of the more common types of motivation associated with serial killings. These murders are motivated by the thrill of "experiencing" the victims. They crave the fear or screaming. This is accomplished by torturing and from the actual act of the murder.
             The truly mentally insane or psychotic killers will full into the visionary motivation category. They often hear "voices" in their head or claim to have "visions." These different "voices" and "visions" are what cause them to commit the murders. More than likely this person suffers from schizophrenia or other forms of paranoid delusions. .
             Lust killers are what most people associate with serial murders. They are the type of sexual predators that end up killing for the turn-on. The amount of sexual pleasure the killer derives depends on how much they like to torture their victims. The more heinous the torture the more they are aroused. This is the type that is typically in touch with reality.
             The majority of serial murders keep mementos of their crimes and victims. An expert on serial killers, Robert Keppel, places these collections in two categories, souvenirs and trophies. With souvenirs "you put it in a drawer and forget about it," he said. The killer comes across clothing or jewelry that they have taken from a victim. They used it to enjoy the memory of their crime. As for trophies, "They command a place of honor, such as the mantle. It can be something of a shrine." according to Kepple.
             Jeff fills a few of the characteristics that have been mentioned previously. In order to understand him fully the story should be started at the point of moving from Iowa to Ohio. This is one the characteristics began to really show themselves. .
             In 1967 Jeffery's family moved from Iowa to Ohio. Jeff's behavior was a normal reaction to being uprooted from a familiar setting and placed to an entirely new one.

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