Although the attacks of 11 September 2001 resulted in some US$1 billion in lost sales, according to the National Restaurant Association, the US foodservice industry realized a healthy gain in 2001 when compared to the previous year, with usage throughout most of the year representing considerable improvements over 2000, and usage in December 2001 reaching new heights as consumers sought the comfort and entertainment of dining out. Fast food comprised the largest sector in unit terms, accounting for 48.4% of the total in 2001. Fast food comprises a very mature part of the market, in which chained units can be found in nearly every possible location. .
The regularity of Fast Food Consumption is active topic in today's current events, while Americans are steadily becoming more aware of their health and bad eating habits it is important to examine what groups are more likely to eat fatty Fast Food, and what variables whether Media or just convenience facilitates their drive to eat it.
Literature Review.
Bayesian analysis with Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is used to .
estimate a nested multinomial logit model using USDA's Continuing Survey of Food .
Intakes by Individuals from 1994 to 1996 and the Supplemental Children's Survey .
of 1998. There is an abundance of literature illustrating the importance of food .
away from home (Byrne, Capps, and Saha 1996), but limited research on fast .
food itself. McCracken and Brandt examined the factors influencing expenditures .
on food away from home, at restaurants, fast food establishments, and other .
commercial facilities using USDA's 1977-1978 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. .
They found household income, time value, size, and composition are important .
factors. Jekanowski, Binkley, and Eales examined the effect of price, income, and demographic characteristics on fast food. Using aggregated fast food measures at the .
Metropolitan Statistical Area level, they suggested that growth in the fast food .