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Sexual Assault


            "Sexual assault is any form of sexual contact without voluntary consent." This could be sexual harassment, sexual pressure of any form as well as sexual activity between an adult and a child. There are many different types of sexual assault which are acquaintance sexual assault, strangers" sexual assault, multiple perpetrators (gang rape) sexual assault of men spousal sexual assault and sexual assault by women. In some of these cases, other issues come into sight such as pedophilia, pregnancy, sexual problems and etc. Pedophilia comes up when the sexual assault id on a child by an adult. Pregnancy may occur if the woman has been raped and there was no contraception involved, which may lead to having an abortion because the woman does not want to have her rapist's child. To some people, sexual abuse may result in having personal sexual problems such as lost of interest in sexual activities or lack or self-esteem. These were just an example of the problems related to sexual assault.
             Most of these assaults are done by men and by someone that you know such as a family member or an acquaintance. In 1998, 85% of assaults were female and 60% were under 18 years old. One thing that society does is make sure that the assaulter goes to prison for the crime he has committed. Before they put him in prison he has the right to a trial which makes the possibilities that he may not go. If the goes to prison, he could get some counseling about why he does that. Most possibly he motives would be cause by anger, his desire to control and sadistic. The anger might because by being humiliated by a woman and uses the assault as revenge. The desire to control and dominate women is to combat feelings of insecurity and vulnerability. Sadistic is a form of sexual assault where sadists torture or murder their victims. It is "estimated that about 40% of sexual assaults are motivated by anger; 55% by power; and by sadistic urges.

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