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Properties of Animal Language


This idea shows that there is more than one term listed in defining human language characteristics to describe humans special mechanism whereas animals have none of these. One should keep in mind that this concept is of importance as it distinguishes how a human poses reflexivity ability which cannot be found in animals. For instance, when a cat says "Meow" it says this for the present moment not reflecting ability. Additionally, another significant characteristic of human language is to refer to the future and the past. .
             A meaningful definition of displacement is when the language is used to denote a context taken from a present situation of the speaker. For example, it allows human to make their stories and also think about their future. It also enables humans to refer to things that are not seen in their present surrounding. However, animal communication is just used for the very moment, it cannot be used to relate what is happening in the past or future. In the case of the bee, there is an exception because they can exhibit displacement of a limited type which tells workers were it has found nectar (Nieh and Roubik, 1998). This example proves that bees have a low level of displacement as they use dances to identify the workers about a place of nectar they found. Therefore, bees can remember for a short time what is happened in the past and create their own dances as a kind of communication with their species. They specify a dance for each event or action and depending on this dance other bees will understand what the honeybee is telling them and what they need to do according to the instructions they receive. In this way, they communicate and that show the exception of having slightly light of displacement property that they share with humans. Moreover, another special feature of human language is producing words that have no connection between the shape and its meaning.

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