The topic of immigration has divided our country into two sides anti and pro immigration. So far no president has been able to come up with a clear solution to solve this perplexing puzzle. .
Current President Obama has already tried to solve this problem once in 2013 and now in 2014. In 2013 Obama's immigration reform was supported by the then Democratic controlled Senate but it was strongly opposed by the Republican controlled House of Representatives the immense disagreement between the two conflicting sides never was able to leave congress and failed to become an official reform. If this immigration reform had passed than millions of illegal immigrants would be given citizenship. Now it is even harder to pursue this reform because the rival republican party controls both the House of Representatives and Senate.
All these past failed attempts of trying to pass a new immigration reform through congress has frustrated the president leading him to take manners into his own hands by establishing an executive order. President Obama wants to pursue an executive order because he believes that the current American immigration system is broken and that it has been broken for a long time (Voice of America News). An executive order is a directive issued by the president to federal employees. It is power that is not clearly stated in the United States Constitution but is used by most presidents. An executive order is the presidents "big stick" (Theodore Roosevelt) it is a great tool that the president has in his arsenal but it has it fair share of weaknesses. An executive order cannot force any sort of major policy initiatives, which usually requires an act of congress. The court can strike down an executive order if it is interpreted as unconstitutional. Currently President Obama has only issued one hundred and ninety three executive orders in the past six years, which is very low compared to his predecessors (British Broadcasting Corporation).