As I step barefoot onto the cool bamboo wood floor, I take in the landscape of the woods showing through the expanse of windows toward the back of the room. The evening air is cool enough, so the windows are propped open. The breezes blow the sweet sound of wind chimes that hang just outside from the branch of a tree. The whirr of the ceiling fans help me take my first deep breath as I find a place against the wall to roll out my mat. I set my blanket, strap, and block next to my mat for easy access. In the far corner there are shelves with an ample collection of blankets, cushions, and mats; a cart is holding a supply of blocks and wall pegs are loaded with straps for those who may need to borrow props. The room begins to fill, and I observe the same rituals play out for the other attendees. As each person settles in, we chat and greet each other. .
Quietly, our instructor enters the room and takes her place in front of the wooded scenery. thing as the rhythmic music that plays quietly in the background. She guides us to focus on our breath in preparation for the first asana. .
Collectively we sit in full lotus to begin the succession of asanas, taking several minutes to relax and synchronize our breathing. We move gradually with Jan's guidance from one pose to the next. With each movement we are told to just allow and to never force while taking it to our edge. This suggestion is welcome. Yoga should never be forceful. It is geared to release you from the stresses of the day, to give you balance and focus while clearing any chatter in your mind. Focus on the breath. Focus on the pose. Jan makes her way around the room to assist each of us in achieving the proper posture.
Once focused the time passes quickly. It is hard to believe that it is already time for savasana. We move into corpse pose to prepare for the final meditation. There are scented eye pillows available and they are passed around the room.