Those definitions make it impossible for machines to ever meet the requirements to be intelligent even though machines have some unbelievable qualities that are not found in humans. For example, machines are very accurate and precise in their work and can do their work for hours without taking breaks and those qualities are not considered by humans while defining intelligence. This unfair judgement of machines' abilities and culture of comparing machines with humans started even before computers were developed and have since encouraged the creation of those unfair definitions of the term Artificial Intelligence. .
How did the term Artificial Intelligence evolve throughout the history?.
There is no distinct date for when the idea of Artificial Intelligence started, but it is believed to have been started long before computers were developed. The Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries states that the root of artificial intelligence stretches back to very early instances of human thought (7373). In other words, the advancements made in the fields of mathematics and technology helped to imagine the idea of artificial intelligence. The encyclopedia also mentions that the examples of those developments include mechanical devices like clocks and the printing press, as well as theories developed by Aristotle. Some mechanical devices made in the eighteenth century mimicked living things. One example of those machines was a mechanical duck that was constructed of gold-plated copper. According to the author of The Guardian, Gaby Wood, "the duck could drink, muddle the water with its beak, quack, rise and settle back on its legs, and spectators were amazed to see, it swallowed food with a quick, realistic gulping action in its flexible neck" (7373). It even had a chemical laboratory installed to decompose food and excreted waste similarly to real ducks (7373).
There are many other examples that support that the concept of artificial intelligence started in early history.