There were some meetings held in this regard which didn't had that much of the impact and the reason solely being the economic growth compromise to be made in these issues. The result of these steps has been that now most of the companies act in a very accountable manner and avoid as much as they can the anti-environmental operations. Thus, today the public, politicians and the businesses have become very much aware about the environment and all of them endeavor for the protection and safety of the environment (Hopwood, Mellor & O'Brien, 2005, p.38). It is therefore, important that Primark pays careful attention to all the environmental issues in an efficient manner so that development can take place in society in its true sense. Now days, making money cannot be the only goal of the companies and they must look ahead of it to contribute in making a sustainable environment.
1.2 Brundtland Definition Of Sustainable Development.
The combination of development and environment has been the focal point of the definition of Brundtland. He puts emphasis on the fact that, previously environment and development were professed in a different way and they were never talked in relation to one another. Environment was taken to be a topic which has no link with the action or sentiments of the human beings and it is not affected no matter what human do. Likewise, progress was previously linked to only life style betterment of human or his political goals. But, now the perspective has been completely changed. Especially in the developed world, the environment has to be viewed along with development and vice versa. Both of these terms are interconnected and are highly dependent on each other (Smith & Pilifosova, 2003). Brundtland argues that environment is beyond physicality and it should not only be narrowed to the political and social atmospheres. Keeping the definition of Brundtlan in mind, Primark must form such polices which lead to sustainable development.