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Indian Immigration and the United Arabs Emirates


He highlights survival and identity are two exclusive crucial factors while deciding to migrate. In retrospect, Castles and Miller focus on the neo-classical economic theory that considers economic tools such as wage differences, cost of migration, employment conditions, and the promotion of international migration for the maximum economic earnings (Castles and Miller, p 22-24).
             Similarly, Martin points out how economic imbalance led to recessions that resulted in the downshift of migration from bust to boom economic areas in an article, "Recession and Migration: A New Era for Labor Migration." His example of the migration process from Europe to the Middle East clarified why economic crisis matters in the decision making process of migrants in choosing countries (Martin, p-672-674, 2009). The migrants who would be deployed in the future are very much likely to be slow in getting job again because the process takes a long time for a nation to recover its financial crisis. And this situation creates confusion when evaluating the number of migrants who lost the jobs and remain abroad. In contrary, Castles views migrant diasporas as an effectual means for economic development of the nation and its nationals because when they return they transfer both resources (money) and ideas to their countries of origin (Castles, P- 852-855, 2004). The notion of "brain drain" along with the job opportunities for highly skilled professional like doctors, nurse, and engineers in host countries increases as host countries provide them secure work incentives, standard life, advance technologies and training. Therefore, country of origin should provide the similar facilities in order to improve "brain drain" situation.
             The history and immigration policy of the country are the building blocks in shaping modern country. Likewise, American history and its immigration policy are the basis of the modern America.

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