Research Questions and Hypotheses.
The researcher will pose the two following primary questions, which will help the researcher inform the benefits of conducting student-led conferences. .
Research Question 1: What is the impact of student-led conferences on parental involvement in rural middle schools? So you are trying to determine if student led conferences lead to greater parental involvement? So you would need to do a pre-test of how involved are parents in the beginning and then introduce student led conferences and then see how involved parents are at the end.
H10: There is a significant difference in parental involvement when student-led conferences are conducted in rural middle schools. .
H1a: There is no difference in parental involvement when student-led conferences are conducted in rural middle schools.
H20: Parental involvement in student-led conferences has a significant impact on achievement for middle school students in rural communities.
H2a: Parental involvement in student-led conferences has no impact on achievement for middle school students in rural communities.
Research Question 2: What is the impact of student-led conferences on minority student achievement in rural middle schools? .
H10: There is a significant difference in minority student achievement when student-led conferences are conducted in rural middle schools. .
H1a: There is no difference in minority student achievement when student-led conferences are conducted in rural middle schools.
H20: Student-led conferences have a significant impact on minority student achievement for middle school students in rural communities.
H2a: Student-led conferences have no impact on minority student achievement for middle school students in rural communities.
The methodology selected for this study is longitudinal mixed-method. The parent participants and their students' data was collected what do you mean was collected. You can't collect data yet – you don't have IRB approval! over a three year timeframe.