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Student-Led Conferences and Minority Student Achievement


Therefore, the study will analyze and compare parents' and teachers' perceptions of student-led conferences and parental involvement in a rural middle school. The data will be analyzed to gain a better understanding of how student-led conferences impact parental involvement and student achievement with an immersed evaluation of minority student achievement. .
             Nature of the Study. .
             The mixed method longitudinal do you really want to do a mixed method (requiring you to analyze data quantitatively, qualitatively and the combination of the two as your first major research project? A little ambitious. Why would you want to do a 3 year data collection project? My recommendation is that you scale this down to one methodology over a shorter period of time. approach will be used to identify the benefit of conducting student-led conferences to increase student achievement and parental involvement for a group of students over a three year period. The parents' survey data will be collected first which will measure parent/guardians general opinions on student-led conferences. The next phase will include the teacher data collection which will measure the teachers' perspective of the implementation of student-led conferences on parental involvement and minority student achievement. This data will be collected by having the teachers participate in a Working Together School-Family-Community Partnerships survey combined with questions created by researcher.
             Although this study will focus mainly on the identification of the benefits of conducting student-led conferences on student achievement, the impact student-led conferences have on parent involvement will also be identified. The final phase of the data collection process will include individual interviews with parents/guardians of minority students. These interviews will contribute the qualitative portion of the study. The effect parents have on student achievement will be addressed through research questions answered by parents/guardians and teachers.

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