Table 1.
A Sample Table Showing Correct Formatting 52.
List of Figures.
Figure 1. Figure caption goes here xx.
Section 1: Introduction to the Study .
Give a little description of the overarching problem before jumping into the description of your study.
The goal of this study is to identify the impact why are you assuming there is an impact? Stay open-minded. of student-led conferences on student achievement and parental involvement from academic and minority perspectives. Student-led conferences are a strategy to involve parents in their student's academic success. It has been found that parental involvement tends to decrease at the middle school level. Research conducted by the Michigan Department of Education (2002) provided information that the lack of involvement of parents is the biggest problem facing public schools. .
A literature review, compiled by Desforges and Abouchaar (2003) identified that decades of research showed that the involvement of parents' results in higher grades, test scores, better attendance at school, increased motivation and increased self-esteem. Data compiled by states and school districts indicate that ethnicity is strongly related to student educational success, and parental involvement is also strongly influenced by socioeconomic status based on Weiher, Tedin, LaBahn, Cross, Ogbu and numerous other researchers. Research has revealed that family involvement benefits vary across demographic groups, it is important for educators to be aware of cultural and background factors which are exclusive to their school communities (Bouffard and Stephen, 2007). "Research links family involvement in middle and high school to students' positive academic and social outcomes" (Bouffard and Steffen, p2, 2007).