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Student-Led Conferences and Minority Student Achievement


             Table of Contents.
             List of Tables iv.
             Table 1.
             A Sample Table Showing Correct Formatting 52 iv.
             List of Figures v.
             Section 1: Introduction to the Study 1.
             Introduction 1.
             Problem Statement 4.
             Purpose of the Study 8.
             Definition of Terms 10.
             Assumption, Limitations, Delimitations and Scope of the Study 13.
             Significance of the Study 14.
             Summary 16.
             Section 2: Literature Review 17.
             Introduction 17.
             Rural Communities 18.
             The Influence of Technology 20.
             Minorities in Rural Settings 21.
             Transportation Needs in Rural Communities 23.
             Rural Student Distinctiveness and Inspiration 24.
             Minority Student Achievement 27.
             Getting Parents Involved 32.
             Student-Led Conferences 34.
             Section 3: Research Method 38.
             Introduction 38.
             Research Design 39.
             Sample Selection 42.
             Data Collection Procedures 44.
             Instrumentation 44.
             Data Analysis 48.
             The researcher's relationship with the school studied, participants, teachers, and students comes from being a teacher in the community, a change agent, and through attendance of professional development and educational meetings in the region. Many of the children and parents were knowledgeable of the researcher via the child having taken a class with the researcher, exposed through other academic activities in the district, or other activities within the community and surrounding communities. .
             The researcher utilized other researchers to review the data collected to eliminate personal biases that could skew the findings. The information gathered for this study and the privacy protection of all participants followed the guidelines and approval of the IRB and will be signified by the IRB approval number. Chapter 4 will explain the results of the study, and Chapter 5 discusses the findings, and provide implications for the study. 50.
             Section 4: Results 52.
             First Heading 52.
             Section 5: Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations 54.
             First Heading 54.
             References 55.
             Appendix B: Student Participants Survey 64.
             Curriculum Vitae 67.
             List of Tables.

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