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Problem Solving Courts


Each court is unique in that it only deals with one type of problem, hence the name of the court in providing services related to substance abuse treatment, domestic violence, family treatment, anger management counseling, and mental health treatment (Donald 2005). Meaning the courts specifically know how to facilitate the rehabilitation process of those defendants that have the willingness to participate in changing their behavior (McCaffrey 2012).The judges presiding in these specialized courts address similar cases day in and day out and have become knowledgeable in their discipline to provide a disposition relative to the participator's needs. Stacy Lee Burns states, "Problem-solving courts share the common goal of altering participants' so-called ˜deviant' ways and reforming them into law-abiding citizens, having a future-oriented focus on treatment and recovery (rather than on blame and punishment for past misconduct) " (Burns 2010, p 75). Problem-solving courts also seek to achieve tangible outcomes for victims, offenders, and society (Berman 2001), as well as, to provide judicial supervision and support to keep the defendants in the community and out of the correctional system. The overall general goals of these courts are to solve social problems, reduce harm, and restore prosperity to the community. The objectives of holding those accountable for the harm while preventing future harm by doing more than merely using punishment by applying the theory and principles of restorative justice via the court judiciaries to preserve the social well-being of the community (Butts 2001).
             There are many different types of problem-solving courts, all attempting to adapt to specific individual needs, making each one unique in its method of delivery. Instead of a jail sentence, defendants receive counseling, treatment for their addictions, education assistance, and healthcare support.

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