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Nursing Home Negligence


It is a job based solely on the well-being of the patients. Nursing home negligence is one hundred percent avoidable. If people took the job more seriously, and had to suffer bigger consequences for abuse or negligent acts, there would be far less sickness, injury, and deaths that took place in nursing homes. That is why again, people who abuse, or neglect patients in nursing homes, should be held personally liable for their actions.
             Elderly people enter nursing homes when they need extra care. Although no one wishes to enter a nursing home, or send their loved ones to nursing homes, it is the unfortunate truth that more and more elders are entering these facilities every year. Although you would expect extra attention being inside a facility known as a "medical assistance" organization, too often, that is not the case. Nursing home negligence and abuse is very common, and very serious. People who enter these facilities, require extra care and attention for there every day living, and too frequently are neglected, or abused by the people who work there. This often leads to serious consequences such as depression, injuries, illnesses and unfortunately sometimes even death. When this disgusting act happens, many times the individuals in charge of committing the crime are not personally liable when they should be. Instead, the nursing home as a whole is charged of abuse or neglect. People who commit nursing home negligence and/abuse should be personally liable because if they were, the workers in these facilities would take their jobs a lot more seriously, and the disgusting acts would happen a lot less frequent.
             To illustrate, according to N.J.S.A 30:13-3, "Every nursing home shall have the responsibility for, " (b) providing the spiritual needs and wants of residents by notifying, at a residents request (c) admitting only the number of residents for which it reasonably believes it can it can safely and adequately provide nursing care (d)ensuring that an applicant for admission or a resident is treated without discrimination as to age, race, religion, sex, or national orientation-.

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