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Nursing Home Negligence


Although these rules seem pretty fair and easy to follow, that is often not the case. .
             So, according to this law, no elderly person should ever be abused. .
             Like stated above, every person working in a nursing home has enough time to spend with the patient they are assigned, especially since it's the law that there are only allowed as many patients and the employees can handle. Also, this rule states that there should be absolutely no form of abuse of any kind. Therefore, if every person doesn't follow all of these rules, they should have to suffer the consequences. Specifically, people entering nursing homes are elderly, and in most cases, somewhat ill, so they are very easy to take advantage of. Often times the people working in these homes don't feel they are being paid what they should be, and take their anger and abuse out on the patients. The issue with this is, the patients aren't the ones in charge of their pay. The patients come to these homes to be taken care of and it is unfair that the quality of their life has to be jeopardized because of something that has absolutely nothing to do with them.
             As people age, they already need more attention than when of a younger age. However, people entering nursing homes specifically need more help than the average elderly person. They need constant attention to survive. Employees need to take their job description more serious because again, if they did, it could save so many lives of patients in nursing homes. In general, if there are consequences, people follow the rules better, therefore, if the person in charge of the patient was fully liable, they would take their job much more serious. This would lead to the elderly people having more time, and a better lifestyle while in these homes.
             Indeed, it is true that when entering a lawsuit, it is more beneficial for the plaintiff to file against the defendant they will get the most money from.

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