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Bipolar Disorder


            The Highs and Lows of a Bipolar Disorder.
             Bipolar disorder can best be compared to a mountain range. With high peaks of .
             euphoria and deep valleys of depression, this disorder has periods of "high", or manic .
             stages, and periods of low, or depressed stages, with some periods of normal in between. .
             For many people this disorder begins in the adolescent stage of life and continues .
             throughout the person's adult life. Often people suffer needlessly for years or even .
             decades without even recognizing that they have the disorder. As long as people are .
             informed of the disorder this suffering can be avoided. .
             Bipolar disorder can be recognized by many signs and it has many treatment options. .
             Awareness is the key to the treatment. One symptom of bipolar disorder is severe .
             irritability and mood swings. The teen "snapping" at his or her parents, common in most .
             households, can now be taken as a sign of depression. Of course, most teens that have .
             bipolar disorder do not have parents to snap at. This is because severe neglect is a major .
             cause of this affliction. Early trauma leads to a life of unhappy irritability and mood .
             swings. A "bad attitude" can be an effect of these early life traumas and abuses. Mood .
             swings are also common among those suffering from bipolar disorder. These are more .
             drastic than those normal people experience. Normal teenagers have mood swings quite .
             frequently; the causes can range from trouble with family, or boy or girl friends. These .
             things can also cause mood swings of those suffering from manic depression, however, .
             on a very different scale. Problems begin to arise and the beginning signs are withdrawal .
             from family and friends, sleeping more, and trouble in school. Spotting the difference .
             in these mood swings should be a decision made by a professional. There are many more .
             signs of the manic stage of bipolar disorder. Some of these are apparent and, on the other .

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