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Bipolar Disorder


             hand, many are discreet. An increased energy, activity and restlessness occur, along with .
             racing thoughts and rapid talking. A person experiencing mania has an excessive "high", .
             or euphoric outlook on life, and an unrealistic belief in their own abilities and powers. .
             This person may also have a decreased need for sleep. Many times a person in the manic .
             stage is extremely irritable and easily distracted. This person shows poor judgment and a .
             period of behavior that is different from their usual self. A manic person also experiences .
             an increase in sexual drive, abuse of drugs, aggressive behavior, and a denial that .
             anything is wrong. These can all be signs of a problem and could possibly be life .
             threatening. People with this disorder do not recognize how impaired they may be. They .
             sometimes blame their problems on some other cause than a mental illness. For this .
             reason people with bipolar disorder need encouragement from their family and friends to .
             seek treatment.
             An early sign of bipolar disorder can be hypomania. During this state a person shows a .
             high level of energy, excessive moodiness or irritability, and impulsive or reckless .
             behavior. When family and friends learn to recognize these mood swings, the person will .
             deny that anything is wrong. This is due to the fact that hypomania can feel good to the .
             person experiencing it. .
             Treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy can improve the mental state of those .
             with this disorder. If a person experiencing bipolar disorder does not receive treatment, .
             the disorder can become worse. It could even break out into mania and a clinical .
             depression. Thoughts of death and suicidal tendencies are common among those with .
             bipolar disorder. The constant nagging notion that it is an easy way out of a world filled .
             with pain and hardships is hard to ignore. A sense of hopelessness and failure can make .
             suicide out to be a way to cure the pain and free the individual from the tragedies of their .

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