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Types of Stress in the Workplace


             There are many job conditions that lead to stress. The "Design of Tasks" is the first major stressor on the job. A heavy workload, infrequent rest breaks, long work hours and shift-work are all part of the design of tasks. Simple and routine tasks that have little meaning, do not utilize workers' skills, and provide little sense of freedom can be very stressful for an employee. It can make a job seem boring and empty, so the needs of an employee will not be met. If there is poor design of tasks, it leads to workers becoming exhausted from excessive hard work, or odd shifts. It also allows little room for flexibility, responsibility and importance in work.
             Another stress causing job condition can be management style. Lack of participation by workers in decision-making, poor communication within the organization and lack of family-friendly policies are all a part of the old school, classical approach to management. This can cause an employee to feel unimportant, and it can make them feel like their opinions do not count. This is very stressful for people that are independent and have a need to give input, and be a part of decision making. If an employee has to get the boss's approval for everything, and the company is insensitive to their needs, the work environment will quickly become a major stressor for them.
             Interpersonal relationships can also be a stressor in the workplace. A poor social environment and lack of support from coworkers and supervisors can be stressful. Most people like to interact and be social at work to both get help, and give personal input and opinions to others. On the other hand, if there is too much socialization in the workplace it will prevent work from being done, and deadlines may not be met. This is also a stressor, because people will become irritated with the noise, and feel pressured to talk instead of completing the tasks at hand. It is also very stressful to be in a work environment where there is constant arguing and disagreement, so it is crucial for employees to get along and compromise in order to have a stress-free workplace.

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