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Types of Stress in the Workplace


             There are many different causes of job stress that are evident in the workplace today. Nearly everyone agrees that job stress results from the communication of the worker, the conditions of the work they are doing, and the environment that they are working in. There are different views on whether worker characteristics or working conditions are the primary cause of job stress. These differing viewpoints are important because they suggest different ways to prevent stress at work. According to one school of thought, differences in individual characteristics such as personality and stress coping style are most important in deciding whether certain job conditions will result in stress. This means that what is stressful for one person may not be a problem for someone else. This viewpoint leads to prevention strategies that focus on specific workers and ways to help an individual deal with demanding job conditions or any stressors on the job. Although the importance of individual differences cannot be overlooked, there is researched evidence which shows that certain working conditions are stressful to almost all people. Excessive workloads, demands, conflicting expectations, and poor employee relations are good examples of what the majority of workers consider to be stressors. This fact creates a greater emphasis on working conditions as the main source of job stress, and for changes in job design as a primary cure or prevention strategy. This second school of thought applies the idea that working conditions play a primary role in causing job stress; however the role of individual factors is not ignored. According to these views, stressful working conditions can have a direct influence on worker safety and health. Individual characteristics and personal factors can also help to increase or decrease the influence of these conditions a worker. If an employee who has a need to care for an ill family member is an example of a personal factor that may intensify the effects of stressful working conditions.

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