Line three turns the first line on its head by reversing the paradox. Capitalization of the words "Sense- (3) and "Madness- (3) again draws the readers focus to and emphasizes the contradiction of "Much Sense- (3) and "starkest Madness- (3). This implies that it does not take a lot of madness to make sense because even the smallest amount of madness is understandable.
Much Madness is divinest Sense " a.
To a discerning Eye " b.
Much Sense "the starkest Madness " c.
Tis the Majority (1-4) d.
The rhythm in the first four lines of the poem is fairly metrical. The first and third lines are iambic tetrameter and the second line is iambic trimeter. However, in line four Dickinson uses two anapests. By changing the rhythm in this line, Dickinson emphasizes that it is the majority who is truly mad, and not the minority who have been wrongly labeled so. Dickinson's quick switch from iambic tetrameter to anapestic also emphasizes the subject matter nonconformity because it interrupts the flow of the poem. .
"Much Madness is Divinest Sense,"" utilizes alliteration in several lines. In line one there is the double "m- in "Much Madness,"" (1) and the "s- at the end of the word "Madness,"" (1), "is- (1), and "divinest- (1). Also, the word "Sense,"" (1) has "s- at both the beginning and end of the word. Line three also uses "s- in "Sense,"" (3) "starkest,"" (3) and "Madness- (3). The sound of s is soft and slippery, so the reader is moved along through the poem rather smoothly. .
In this, as All, prevail " .
Assent "and you are sane ".
Demur "you're straightway dangerous ".
And handled with a Chain " (4-8).
The statement "you're straightway dangerous "/And handled with a Chain" (7, 8) creates a vague image of a person being tied up like a dog in chains. Dickinson uses metonymy to further the image of the "Chain- (8) by having the "Chain- (8) represent imprisonment of the traitors in society by the majority.