Elaine Brown is looking to make a positive change in the community. She is a pretty black woman in her early fifties. She is a very powerful speaker that wants to get her point across and is truly committed into cleaning up their city. Elaine is against guns and weapons in the streets and in people's possession. "I think the idea of picking up the gun and going into the street without a plan and without any more rhyme or reason than rage is bizarre and foolish" (Smith 1698). She is merely talking about strategy. Elaine is very good at being powerful and getting her point across. She is trying to make people think about what they are doing and that they don't need guns and weapons to be powerful and feel good and bad about them. "But if you want a gun, I hope you can shoot and I hope you know who to shoot and I hope you know how to not go to jail for having done that and then let that be the end of that" (Smith 1698). Elaine is not racist and is very well committed to making positive changes in Los Angeles. "My theme is that love of your people" (Smith 1698).
Maxine Waters is a confident congresswoman in the 35th district. She would be good on the committee because she has a lot of experience with giving speeches and talking to people. She is very confident and is a brilliant orator. For example she says,.
"Mr. President, our children's lives are at stake. We want to deal with the young men who have been dropped off of America's agenda. Just hangin"out, chillin", nothin" to do, nowhere to go. They don't show up on anybody's statistics. They"re not in school, they have never been employed, they don't really live anywhere. They move from grandmama to mama to girlfriend. They"re on general relief and they"re sleepin" under bridges." (Smith 1695).
In this quote Maxine is trying to tell us how people lives are in danger with all the weapons on the streets. There are young children out there that don't need to see these things.