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Is Lady Macbeth the embodiement of Evil?

Poetic phrases like:.
             "Hie thee hither,"" .
             begin to appear, giving the audience the impression that Lady Macbeth is using black magic or evil hexes to gain her means. As she goes on, she becomes even more witch-like, using pagan imagery such as a raven and evil spirits. She demands of these "murd'ring ministers-:.
             "unsex me here direst cruelty stop remorse nature's mischief."".
             This theme of Lacy Macbeth being so closely linked to the witches is strong throughout the whole play. In itself this quote could be taken either as an implication that she is wholly evil, or that she is not. The fact that she is daring to address these evil spirits in the powerful Christian society of Scotland is an evil thing that normal, decent people of the time would never have done. .
             However, the very fact that she needs to call upon their services would suggest that she is not the embodiment of evil. She needs their help, or she can never hope to be able to commit her crime. She admits in her speech as much, that she has:.
             "passage to remorse-,.
             so she knows her weaknesses, and must have assistance to rid her of them. If she were the embodiment of evil, she would need no help at all in having the gall to commit regicide.
             Further on in this scene there is another example of their being some good in Lady Macbeth. There is definite tenderness between her and her husband.
             "Great Glamis! Worthy Cawdor!- .
             She exclaims when he enters, and then continues to sing his praises. Macbeth then addresses his wife as:.
             "My Dearest Love-,.
             If Lady Macbeth were in fact pure evil, then she would not have been capable of such a loving relationship. Even though this relationship does disintegrate through the course of the play, we can be almost certain that she and Macbeth loved each other dearly once, and the demise of that love was more through the corruption and paranoia of Macbeth and the guilt of his wife than through her characteristics.

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