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Theories And Beliefs Of MLK

that freedom is never voluntarily given up by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."(p. 191) He believed that oppressed people could not be oppressed forever and eventually would find the need to be considered equal in a society that viewed them as the subordinate race. He foresaw that if this realization was demanded through violence it would not achieve a positive end. .
             Martin Luther King's visions and goals were accessible, easily understood, recognized, and accepted by humanity. He challenged those committed to negativism to look inside themselves and to make brotherhood and equality a new possibility, and for others a meaningful reality. He made the oppressed feel that they were not alone; he gave hope to the poor, friendship to the lonely, understanding to the ignorant and helped the lost find their way. He believed in the message of the founding fathers of the American constitution, and saw his country as a covenant whose peoples" bonding was fundamentally established in the Declaration of Independence. He moved onward in his quest for social justice and racial equality, yet he knew he would never enter upon the final road. He was prepared to sacrifice his life for the struggle, and central to this struggle was his commitment to change the nature of public opinion in America. King was able to change the terms of debate in America and won overwhelming support not only throughout .
             America, but throughout the world as he marched upon the road for social justice and impartiality, reaffirming the dream that all people are created equal. .
             Martin Luther King Jr. started and became the Civil Rights Movement. His concept of "somebodiness" gave black and poor people a sense of worth and dignity. He reached in and tapped what Carl Jung called our "collective unconscious, the universal aspiration for the well being of all people. His philosophy of non-violent direct action, and his strategies .

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