clerical positions. When finding out why readers enjoy reading the tabloid they found that some people enjoys the information they provided, some enjoyed the entertainment it gave them, and some enjoyed a mixture of the two. They also found a split among the genders of why they read the tabloids. Bird states of their findings that "While men tend to treat tabloids as an informational medium that might be useful when applies to their own lives and interests, women read them more personally, empathizing with the subjects, and they describe using the stories to discuss values and problems. Women tend to use the term "gossip" quite naturally to describe how they read and share the papers." (147).
One of the biggest questions ever asked of tabloid readers is if they actually believe in that stuff. Lehnert and Perpich asked this question in their study of readers. They concluded that some readers - "selfish believers" as they labeled them, believe everything tabloids report as true, but mostly they find that readers allow tabloids to reinforce their existing beliefs and dismissing stories that they do not already have faith in. Bird sums up why readers read the tabloids by saying "Tabloids are most often one among many sources of information and enjoyment, and their significance in readers" lives is very variable. Some people see them as roughly equivalent to news, others as a source of laughs." (136).
Another stereotype in the world of tabloids is that of the tabloid writer. People imagine tabloid writes as sleazy, slimy, pushy people, working in shabby offices, doing what ever it takes to dig up the dirt. When the tabloids were first established in the mid 1950's this was somewhat true. Tabloid writers were working in garages and basements. Most were junkies or alcoholics, working for enough change for cigarettes or a beer. But, as time went on everything changed this. Bird states that "Tabloids are a multimillion-dollar industry, and the working conditions for their staff are more attractive then those of most newspaper journalists.