Her passionate intelligence engaged everyone whose path she crossed as shown in this excerpt:.
She took a class at Columbia, found her way to John Dewey's seminar. Stirred and excited, she walked into the famous educator's office. She leaned across his desk, burning-eyed and red hair. "I want to make from myself a person!" Dewey was enchanted. Middle-aged, idealistic, WASP, he never knew what hit him. Of course, he said, and took her on, gave her a place in his seminar and in his projects. (Yezierska viii).
Yeziebska wrote of a time of poverty in the Lower East Side of New York among the Jewish community of that time. Her immigrant realism narrative of a poverty stricken community trying to assimilate into the new world yet holding on to the past gives a realistic scene to the Jewish American culture of the early 1900"s. She tells of the cluttered filth of poverty, of the hunger and cold suffer by a people who were looking for the "American Dream"(Zaborowska 118 ). She presents all of this in a stylized English-Yiddish dialect. She makes the issues of gender and authorship not only central but pivotal for her books depicting female Americanization, and she shows how these issues intertwine with the literal and figurative immigrant journeys that an ethnic women writer has to pursue in American culture (Zaborowska 115).
Yezierska's first book Hungry Hearts was a collection of short stories that was made into a Hollywood film. Through this book she went through the Cinderella experience. The film was very successful and she went to Hollywood for a short time where she lived the life which our society describes as "successful". This experience reminds me of a quote by Victor Hugo in Les Miserables, " To the masses, success has almost the same appearance as supremacy. Success, that pretender to talent, has a dupe, history (Hugo 51). After this short stay in Hollywood she returned to New York in poverty and lived out her life.