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             People shed tears for many different reasons. A child cries when he is hungry or needs to be changed, a young girl cries when she falls off her bike, and others may cry when they have lost or may lose someone dear to them. I have never been someone who cries over breaking a nail or not getting an A on a test. The only time I have ever really cried, besides the normal baby crying or crying because of physical injuries, is when I saw my dad on the hospital bed and suddenly realized that I may lose him. Watching my mom try to encourage me when she herself was on the verge of falling apart made me try to put on a strong face. I was not strong. All I wanted to do was to run away from everything. In the few minutes that I stood in the intensive care unit talking to my dad and telling him that he would get better and that we would go home and open our Christmas presents, I began to feel numb inside. I did not want to let anyone in my family see me fall apart. I do not think that I was ashamed or anything like that. Crying when someone you care about is in the hospital does not show a sign of weakness. I knew that. I just could not let my mom see me fall apart, because I felt that I had to be the person who kept everyone calm and collected.

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