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             My second website is www.geocities.com/rainforest/4076/index.html. This website is about animals and there involvement with shamanism. I looked at the wed address and did a little research into it. I found out that the site www.geocities.com is a site where you can go and they will give you your own web space to create a site from your own home. These sites can be about anything you want and it is an easy way of creating a website without paying for the web space. This site to me is based on fiction and there is nothing to support what is being said. It has no scientific evidence and there is no research on the topic to compare it to. It is purely somebody who has strong views about the subject and that is what they believe in just as we believe in things that we cannot prove. A good example of this would be God we have never seen him but still millions of people all over the world believe in him (God). After reading the contents of this site thoroughly it seems to me to be just like a cult. It is a cult in my eyes because it preaches about animals and the powers they hold in life. It try's to get across the point that this is the way people should live and this is what people should believe. The site has no dogma, no rituals and no human teachers, they charge no fees and they don't want anything in return. While reading this site I realized that it was just like listening to North American Indians. The Indians also believed that animals should be worshiped and held sacred. "We come to this place in space and time to share our teachings and to be a part of this intricate weaving of shared knowledge". This site tries to speak to you soul, they have recording of animals and you can " hear them speak". It tells us that each of us has been a member of all the cultures, all the races and all religions that have graced the earth. This site has a lot of persuasive quotes and text and it tells us that we have been part of different cultures and different religions and know it is time to try something new.

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