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            My first assignment was to find two websites on shamanism. The first website I found was a site with facts and scientific views on the subject and the second was a site with fictional views and opinions. I also came to realize while working on this assignment that with things concerning the supernatural there is very little evidence to support any argument on what is fact or fiction. In the following assignment I will try to explain why I think the two websites in question are fact or fiction and also give my thoughts on the subject.
             The first site is www.shamanism.org and the second website is www.geocities.com/rainforest/4076/index.html. The site www.shamanism.org, I feel is a site with researched scientific proof and real facts. The first thing I noticed about this site is the web address. By looking at it you can see .org at the end of the address. This tells us that it is an organization. I looked further at the site and found out it was an organization and it was founded by an internationally renowned anthropologist Dr. Michael Harner. I looked even closer at the site (www.shamanism.org) and read what it had to say on the subject of shamanism. I found out that this site would be a good source of information for anybody who wanted to learn more about the topic of shamanism. The Foundation for Shamanic Studies I think is a good site because it is founded by Dr. Michael Harner who has studied the topic and has extensive field research on the subject. This extensive research by Dr. Michael Harner is a good indication that the facts and views of this site can be taken seriously. I think this is a good site and a good source of information because it is presented to you by a man experienced in the study of shamanism and you the reader are left to make up your own mind about if you think what the practitioners of shamanism do actually works or not. This site gives the reader real researched information and there is nothing fictional about what is being said.

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