An imbalance in any of these one areas is the foundation for failure. Positive thinking and the ability to be honest is essential in stopping bad habits. Think of all the activities that can be done instead of the habit that would be a positive force in dealing with these negative feelings or situations. Consider simple alternative behaviors. Once truly convinced these bad habits are detrimental to health, family, and friends, its time to put a plan into place, prepare for the next step, and do what is right.
Second, make a list of all the reasons why to quit the bad habit. Write down positive statements. Start the list with the most powerful and dramatic reason ascending to the least important reason. Now memorize these reasons and keep them in the deep subconscious mind. Make connections between stopping the bad behavior with what good things everyone will receive after doing so. For instance, if someone wants to lose weight, they need to picture being slim and looking good in exciting new fashions. If a person wants to stop smoking, he needs to imagine his wife actually kissing him instead of sending him to the bathroom to brush his teeth! Once a person has the information, it soon comes down to one thing; an act of the will and willpower. Each person should attempt to choose what is right for his or her circumstances, reinforcing throughout the day " I am choosing to- Eisenhower rightly once said, "The history of free men is written not by chance but by choice, their choice." It is a choice. There are two philosophies on how to actually start the task of quitting a bad habit, and it can be very tricky. One theory is to take massive action, "It must go, all or nothing". Using the weight loss for example, a person would go spend $500 to join a gym, rework their schedule, and hit the treadmill everyday for a year. They will get rid of all fat in the house and go all out to loose the weight.