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To put it .
             simply, "without smoking, metabolism rate is slower". (ITQS, 2002, p. 1 of 2).
             One of the most toxic constitutes in cigarettes in the drug nicotine, which "increases both .
             Metabolism and activity levels" in any smoker (ITQS, 2002, p. 2 of 2). As this drug leaves the body as a .
             Result of giving up smoking, the person who has made the decision may notice they feel more "sluggish" .
             Metabolism 4.
             then they would normally had they continued with their smoking habit. When they were smoking the .
             nicotine the body ingested from the use of cigarettes would increase the amount of energy they would .
             expend by "stimulating the central nervous system" (HSAM, 1998-2001, p 1 of 2). Without this added .
             energy expenditure the person's metabolism will have, in fact, slowed down. The person who has given up .
             tobacco will feel less active, thus burning fewer calories which will result in weight gain.
             "Being aware of the problem will help, (for persons who do not desire to put on any extra weight), .
             in avoiding or minimizing the weight gain" (HSAM, 1998-2002, p. 1 p of 2). Changing eating habits and .
             becoming more physically active will help balance the body's metabolism and make up for the loss in .
             energy expenditure experienced by the person who has quit.
             Exercise is a major factor in determining whether a person will have a low (or slow) metabolism .
             or the opposite. Fundamentally, exercise is considered to be the key in determining the difference between .
             the two. In most circumstances, exercise in considered to be an important aspect of everyday life. The more .
             one's exercise rate, the healthier their body will become. Most people who exercise on a regular basis, .
             including aerobic and resistance training (i.e. lifting weights, using exertubes, rubberbands, dynabands, hand .
             weights, etc.) will have a higher metabolic rate to maintain a consistent and healthy body composition.
             Healthy body composition would consist of a ratio of higher muscle content opposed to fat .

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